Monday, August 20, 2007

Just another Monday....

I love Mondays!!!! They are my Saturdays! :) Matt is off and we get to go and have fun-

Today we went to a birthday party, went out to dinner, and then to the park- not crazy fun- but hey tomorrow is our "Sunday"!!!!! :)

Here are some pics of last week- we went to a water park. Of course it was a random visit so the boys just had their regular shorts on. I thought the boys would be ecstatic to run through the water, but they barely got their feet wet! Very strange...very strange!!! :P

Here's a random pic of the boys at the beach a few weeks ago- just found it on my puter and loved how relaxed they look!!!

Can you tell how cold it is too?!!! Yep, SF beaches can be so cooooold even in the dead of summer!!! Oh and that is Golden Gate Bridge in the background.

I'm in a colorful mood lately- esp with these summer pics!!!

Oh and here is one I had to do- of us being the PARTY girls that we are!!! We just love going dancing!!! ;)

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

NEXT FRIDAY- Bad Girl Patrol!!!!

What is Bad Girl Patrol (BGP) you ask???

Well let me tell you... Wink

Every Friday will be known as BAD GIRL PATROL. If you get caught with your Bad Girl Blinkie on you will be sent a RAK!!!

You never know where the BAD GIRLS will be on PATROL!

If one of the BAD GIRL DESIGNERS catches you, you will be notified and sent a special RAK!

It can be a message board (of course only the ones that allow kit club blinkies!) Willow Traders, 2Peas,, Creating Keepsakes, ScrapJazz, etc- AND it can be on your blog!

Now HOW FUN does that sound?!!!!

Here are some blinkies:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I'll be on the look out next Friday (8/17)!!!! Wink

Oh and I'll leave you with this-
Bad Girl slideshow

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday, August 03, 2007


Oh man! Where did the time go?!!! I blinked and July flew by...I wish summer was 6 months long! :P

All the moms I know are looking forward to school starting, well...I'm NOT!!! You kiddin me?! Getting up at 7am and having to actually function?!!! thanks! :P

Too bad I have no choice- Jacob is really excited though, this will be his second year at preschool so he will be going 3 times a week, I guess I can handle it, huh? ;)

Just to make you girls drool (esp you Wendy!) and prove how girly I truely am, here is my latest purchase:
Cute, huh?!! ;)
Went shopping the other night with my girl Lisa- she bought some hot-looking-black-pointy-stilletto heels, and well I just had to get me the most girly pink shoes I could find! ;)

Here are some layouts using the FAB August Bad Girls kit:

Wendy really has a knack for putting some amazing kits together!! I opened my box and saw FIVE (yes I said five!) different paper manufactures!!!
Being the matchy matchy (Lisa's term) scrapper that I am, I can't say I wasn't severely in shock! I've never used so many different paper lines!!! But hey, Wendy pushed me out of my box- WAAAAY out!! I am left here cold and shivering but ready not to conform!!! Oh and being out of the box is kinda fun too.... :P

Here's a layout of my pregnant SIL using some fun Carolee's stuff:

Peace out chicas!!!!