Saturday, December 31, 2005

This year's review...

2005 In Review

1. Did you have a new year's resolution this year?: No not really...
2. Who kissed you at midnight?: My hubby Matt
3. Did it snow where you live?: Nope
5. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?: Nope

1. Who was your valentine? Orlando Bloom...umm...but he didn't know,ok it was Matt :D
2. What did your valentine get you? perfume and a card
3. When you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class?: Yes, little cards and candies.

1. Are you Irish? Nope
2. Did you wear green on St. Patty's Day?: A funky green tshirt
3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day?: Went out to dinner

1. Do you like the rain?: No, sunshine is my friend, rain is not. But it is kinda cool!
2. Did you play an April Fool's joke on anyone this year?: Why of course!!! hehheh...
3. Did you get tons of candy on Easter?: oh YEAH!!! Peeps are my fav!!!

1. What's your favorite kind of flower?: Hydrangeas and Gerber Daisies
2. Do you like the spring? Yes cuz summer is around the corner!
3. Finish the phrase: "April showers bring...": Mad SAHM that have to actually stay at home
4. What would you think of as a spring color?: light green, pink

1. What year did you graduate from school?: 1998
2. Did you go on any vacations last June?: where all together, but I did get a retreat to Santa Cruz with me and my girlfriends!

1. What did you do on the 4th of July? BBQ at in laws and fireworks show at a park
2. Did you go on any vacations during this month?: Nope

1. Did you do anything special to end off your summer?: Since I can't remember, probably not! We were having huge BBQs every weekend though
2. What was your favorite summer memory of '05?: The birth of my baby Caleb, and the birth of my new obsession- scrapbooking
3. Did you go swimming a lot in the summer?: Yes! Love to swim! And Jacob is a little fish!
4. Did you go to the beach a lot?: Not this past year. We went a few times- I *heart* the beach!

1. Did you attend school/college in '05?: Nope, been there done that!
2. Who is/was your favorite teacher?: I had a lot of favorites! Probably my HS Drama and English teacher- Mrs. Becky Grossman- she was young and fun!
3. Did you like fall better than summer?: NO!!! It gets colder and the days get shorter!

1. What was your favorite Halloween costume ever?: When I was Snow White as a little girl!
2. What's your favorite candy?: Just ONE?! not possible! I like starburst, jolly ranchers, crunch bar, snickers, pixi stix, skittles, kisses, the list can go on all night!
3. What did you dress up like this year? As a pirate- a skanky pirate at that!

1. Whose house did you go to for Thanksgiving?: We had at here!
2. Do you like stuffing?: No, I feel like a bird eating all that bread!
3. What are you thankful for?: My family, their love, our health, friends, and God!

1. Do you celebrate Christmas?: Yep!! So much fun!!!
2. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe?: Yep every year!!! :D
3. What do you want this year for Christmas?: More clothes!!!
4. What's the best present you ever got for Christmas?: Tiffany jewelry!! ;)
5. Do you like cold weather?: Ummm...NO!!!!!!!!!
6. How would you rate your year on a scale of 1-10?: 9!!! Its been a blast!!! The only thing I would change is that it went by too fast!

Friday, December 30, 2005

Why haven't I realized this???

I look at you and I see a little boy...and I am just scared...scared because I don't remember when you became a little boy! You were just a baby, really! You were my happy, content baby that gave me endless snuggles. What happened?? I woke up and here you are...time has flown in light speed, esp after Caleb's birth!

I have been so focused on him being my last baby, I hadn't realized you were growing up so fast.

Tonight as I stare at your picture, there are tears in my eyes, half of me is so proud at the boy you have become. You are truely the most unselfish, well-behaved two year old I know, everyone tells me this too...your gentleness with your brother just swells my heart with so much pride. I love single thing about you.

The other half of me (ok maybe even a little more than that...) wishes I can turn back the are no longer dependent on don't need me to feed you (in the nursing way), diaper you, entertain you, read to you (even though you still like me to, thank God!), be your only friend, and be your voice...somehow this just breaks a little bit of my mommy heart. You see, the first two years of your life esp when it was just you and me, we were so close. You were my momma's boy, and I was yours (well you did have to share me with your Daddy too). Each day waking up to your sweet smiles and constant snuggles was a gift. Teaching you to walk, talk, and play gave me more enjoyment than I had never known...

I'm still not sure when this happened, all I know is that from today on, I will be paying close attention, hoping it doesn't happen again...(fat chance in that, huh?)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I'm ashamed

I'm ashamed to say its been over a month since my last entry!!! Now its nearly impossible to catch up!!! So I am going to list what has happened in the last month:

1. Went to Disneyland 2nd week of November and had a BLAST!
2. Made the Scrapgirls DT- but am only staying till Dec
3. Got a mini album picked up by Scrapbook Trends-WOOHOO!
4. Went to Asia SF with the girls- its a "gender illusionist" show and club- LOL
5. had Thanksgiving at my house- stressful but fun
6. put up all our Christmas decorations the Friday after Thanksgiving
7. Got a phone call from Monique=Made the Scrap Goddess DT- and lovin it!!!
8. started a MySpace profile and was hooked for two days- thankfully the novelty wore off
9. Went and saw Pride and Predjudice and that is my new fav movie!!!
10. Have not mailed out one Christmas card or wrapped on present to date-panick mode soon to set in....

So that is what is been going on!!! LOL!!!